

我们的热情是通过付费媒体解决方案帮助菠菜台子大全实现他们的目标. 我们的承诺是对菠菜台子大全的目标和需求给予无与伦比的关注. 从国际到国内再到本地, small, 中型或大型, 每个十大菠菜台子 Media菠菜台子大全端都享有同样高水平的服务. 通过这种方法, we are proud to say we have a roster of happy clients who view us as partners in their marketing process rather than vendors.





130多年来, 阿伯特’s mission has been to make the world a better place by putting science and cutting-edge innovation to work to create technologies and brands that help people live healthier and fuller lives. An important mission of 阿伯特’s Corporate team is to raise awareness of the company’s incredible life-changing technology story by sharing compelling content that brings the company mission to life while creating excitement and anticipation for what lies just over the horizon. 十大菠菜台子 Media非常高兴能与雅培公司合作, helping them identify the most effective strategies for sharing 阿伯特’s amazing successes and future endeavors.




When investment management firm 美国世纪投资公司 was looking for a media agency to handle their business in late 2018, 他们从一位十大菠菜台子 Media的忠实粉丝那里得到了内幕消息,而这位粉丝恰好也是我们的现任菠菜台子大全. American Century was impressed with what they heard about 十大菠菜台子 Media’s work in the investment services category and how well-versed the team here was on their critically important financial advisor target. 当我们对美国世纪做研究时, we were also quite impressed with what we learned and knew that they were the kind of scrappy and successful challenger brand that we worked particularly well with. 我们也非常赞同他们的创始人吉姆·斯托尔的口头禅:“如果我们让菠菜台子大全成功, 然后,我们, 反过来, 会成功的."




尤金尼奥·杜克(Eugenio Duke)开始在格林维尔(Greenville)出售她自制的味道浓烈、美味的蛋黄酱, 1917年在南卡罗来纳州. 快进100多年后,杜克不仅仍然是一个有活力和不断发展的品牌, 它被许多死忠粉和厨师认为是当今市场上最好的蛋黄酱. 和杜克大学, 在十大菠菜台子传媒的帮助下, has been working hard to “spread” its twangy goodness well beyond its core southern market roots so it can be enjoyed by mayonnaise lovers everywhere. In 2020, the 十大菠菜台子 team recommended that Duke’s fully leverage its fans’ unprecedented passion for college football and tailgating with delicious southern foods by entitling a College Bowl game, 结果是, 公爵的梅奥碗诞生了. 现在, people all over the country and beyond are being introduced to the 100+ year old delicious “secret” of Duke’s Mayonnaise.




如何传达一家大型全球性金融机构所提供的个人风格? It requires intimate knowledge of the financial landscape and its intricate terminology as well as developing relationships with the financial media community. 目标是提高品牌知名度及其各种服务, 北方信托的媒体团队独立开发, 与最富有的美国人单独联系的富有洞察力的计划, 财务顾问, international asset managers and international custodians for defined benefits/defined contributions through a combination of pinpointed print, 选择电视, B2B和B2C数字展示和视频, 自定义内容, 在线研讨会, 付费社交和私人活动. Annual third party studies have demonstrated a steady rise in awareness of 北美信托银行 and its services among the complete spectrum of their target audiences.




2021年,十大菠菜台子与全氯乙烯(丙烷教育)合作 & 研究委员会), 一个提供丙烷安全和培训项目的非盈利组织, 并投资研发新的和创新的丙烷动力技术.

作为媒体记录机构的角色, 十大菠菜台子 is helping 全氯乙烯 promote its various B2C and B2B marketing efforts to a variety of potential propane users including homeowners interested in building, renovating or replacing appliances; commercial and residential construction, 农业和运输业的决策者.




当冲, 这是一个以芝加哥为基地的卫生系统,由几家世界级的医院和治疗中心组成, decided it was time to relaunch their brand message to get Chicagoans more aware of its nationally ranked and recognized specialties and overall award-winning patient care, 他们转向十大菠菜台子 Media来处理他们的媒体策略和购买需求. The 十大菠菜台子 Media team could not be more excited to be partnering with Rush alongside a group of passionate agency partners to help them achieve the much deserved best-in-class recognition in the marketplace.




扩大etf, 放大 Investments的一个部门, 与十大菠菜台子 Media合作,利用我们丰富的金融服务经验和专业知识(北方信托, 景顺, PowerShares, 美国世纪投资公司). 更具体地说, 放大 was intrigued by 十大菠菜台子’s long standing and successful partnerships with the key media partners associated with the category as well as our rich understanding of the financial advisor target audience and how to most effectively reach them. 我们将努力帮助“扩大”品牌,以吸引财务顾问的咨询.




Lurie儿童, 前儿童纪念堂, 在芝加哥地区提供全国知名的儿科护理已经超过100年了. Lurie的方法一直是把孩子和他们的家庭放在他们所做的一切的中心, 同时忠于他们的承诺,始终提供最新的创新医疗技术, 研究和家庭友好的设计. Lurie 's是一家非营利组织,营销预算相对适度, but it’s essential that parents and caretakers throughout Chicagoland are made and kept aware of the hospital’s world-class pediatric services and treatments. The 十大菠菜台子 Media team takes great pride in stretching Lurie’s marketing spend each and every year to appear to be much larger than it really is through a powerful strategic approach, 巧妙的谈判, and especially strong and deep relationships with the Chicagoland advertising community which completely embraces 十大菠菜台子’s IT’S FOR THE KIDS mantra.




如何传达一家大型全球性金融机构所提供的个人风格? It requires intimate knowledge of the financial landscape and its intricate terminology as well as developing relationships with the financial media community. 目标是提高品牌知名度及其各种服务, 北方信托的媒体团队独立开发, 与最富有的美国人单独联系的富有洞察力的计划, 财务顾问, international asset managers and international custodians for defined benefits/defined contributions through a combination of pinpointed print, 选择电视, B2B和B2C数字展示和视频, 自定义内容, 在线研讨会, 付费社交和私人活动. Annual third party studies have demonstrated a steady rise in awareness of 北美信托银行 and its services among the complete spectrum of their target audiences.




2023年末, 苏黎世北美, 美国最受认可和尊敬的多线保险公司之一, 联系了十大菠菜台子 Media作为媒体代理记录搜索过程的一部分. It didn't take long for us to recognize that we shared many of the same values when it comes to business partnership. 十大菠菜台子 Media has enjoyed nearly 30 years of success by seeking out partners who are not only looking for best-in-class client service, 而是真正长久的伙伴关系. The team at Zurich sparked to the notion of not having to feel like a small fish in a big pond with your agency partner-- no matter what your advertising budget is.

We were also very impressed with Zurich's commitment to aligning their business activities around their goal of becoming among the most responsible and impactful companies in the world, 特别是在可持续发展和气候变化领域, 我们期待着在帮助苏黎世让世界变得更美好的过程中发挥一点作用.


当然,必须有证据证明菠菜台子大全实际上提供了我们所承诺的一切. 就像我们研究一切为我们的菠菜台子大全找到最好的媒体平台, 我们也会有条不紊地研究自己.

我们定期进行菠菜台子大全满意度调查,从我们的菠菜台子大全合作伙伴那里获得重要反馈. The results demonstrate that our client partners believe that we are staying true to our promise to supply superlative service, 智能解决方案, 以及定期的高层参与.


“迅速、专业、非常彻底. 一大优点:没有自负的人,只有你想要共事的优秀的人."

——安 & 罗伯特·H. 芝加哥卢里儿童医院

十大菠菜台子 Media是一家我信任的机构. 真正的伙伴."


“我们在一个利基市场工作, 与有限的媒体选择和许多文化和监管怪癖进行交易. 在我们合作的所有服务提供商中, 十大菠菜台子 media consistently impresses me with their ability to understand our business and to ask questions and get clarification when they don't. 他们绝对是商业伙伴,而不是供应商. 这是令人印象深刻的."

-北方信托公司 & 机构服务

十大菠菜台子团队是我合作过的最专业、最高效、最具协作性的团队. 他们以了解我们的业务为己任,并总是代表我们进行明智的谈判."

-丙烷教育 & 研究委员会

"十大菠菜台子 Media has been an incredible strategic partner developing media plans that have amplified the Rush across the Chicagoland market. 球队提供了新的机会, 协商未付费率, 并且与我们的其他数字和创意机构有着令人难以置信的合作. Their understanding of our audiences and the work we do has been instrumental in allowing them to craft especially impactful media plans."


“真正的合作伙伴. 真正的价值创造者. 他们是我们事业的真正捍卫者. 如果你正在寻找一家公司,将帮助你推动你的广告到下一个层次, 那么你应该了解十大菠菜台子传媒. 他们在帮助我们实现我们的指标方面发挥了巨大的作用,因为我们推动了线索和品牌认知度."


“对于十大菠菜台子 Media来说,最重要的是人, 他们总是愿意灵活地按照我们的条件与我们合作, 他们坚定不移的回应. 他们代表我们谈判媒体购买,就好像他们在用自己的钱一样."

-杜克蛋黄酱 & 调味品

就像你看到的? 大家一起说.
